Old or not and notwithstanding his double trip thru Hell, he is jaunty and full of witticisms toward the demon attendant. He thinks he is still in hospital, and tells the demon about this really vivid dream he was having until woken. The attendant has heard it all before and mumbles something, he has massaged both legs and feet, done his upper body and arms with the towel, which he dips into a stone basin of water then wrings out and does his face and ears. Walter is still chattering away and the wrestler hands him up to his brother, who is up a couple of steps on another landing, as he passes from one brother to the other, so does a shiver of white light commence from the brother's fingertips and right thru the newly resurrected sinners body, until he is fully up on the landing. Once more a young man in the full vigor of youth, the guard directs him to a then unknown destination.
sinners in the hands of an angry god parody essay
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